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Dalmard Marine partners Théo Masse, young French sailing prodigy

New at Dalmard Marine
We are very proud to announce our partnership with Théo Masse, a young French sailing prodigy trained in the Côtes d'Armor region. This partnership marks the start of an exciting new adventure.

A partnership based on Breton values

At only 19 years of age, Théo Masse is already recognised as one of the most promising talents in French sailing. As a loyal customer of Dalmard Marine and particularly attached to Paimpol, Théo naturally approached Maxime Dalmard, at the helm of the family business, last January, to set up his first partnership. Dalmard Marine and Théo share the same Breton roots and the same values: respect for the environment, excellence, a passion for the sea, outreach and innovation.

As a company that has been rooted in Brittany for over 100 years, supporting a young sailor from our region has a special meaning for us. Théo represents the future of French sailing and we are convinced that his career path will inspire many young people to pursue their dreams. Maxime Dalmard

Precious support for Théo

Théo Masse trained at Loguivy-Canot-Club (LCC) in Ploubazlanec and has an impressive list of achievements to his name, racking up several titles. In March 2024, he and his team won the 2024 French Match-Racing Open championship (senior category).

In addition to his sporting achievements, Théo manages to combine his engineering studies at Compiègne University of Technology with his status as a top-level sportsman. This double life, between the school benches and the waves, is a testament to his tenacity and ambition.

Théo has his sights set on the Solitaire du Figaro 2027, a solo race of 1840 nautical miles, renowned for its rigour and exacting standards. 

The partnership with Dalmard Marine allows me to benefit from essential communication media to increase my visibility and encourage sponsors to support me in my Solitaire du Figaro 2027 project. I'm proud to wear the Dalmard Marine colours and can't wait to show what we can achieve together. Théo Masse  

An alliance for the future

This partnership is not simply financial support, but a strategic alliance based on common values and a shared vision of the future. Théo becomes an ambassador for the brand, taking part in photo shoots and proudly representing Dalmard Marine at its competitions.

Brittany is a land of travellers, a starting point for great adventures. It's this boldness and spirit of adventure that I find in Dalmard Marine, and which convinced me that it was the ideal partner to accompany me. Théo Masse

Follow us on social networks! We'll keep you informed of Théo's performance and progress.