Ecological values

Self-employed in her studio-boutique "La Tour des Anges" in Périgueux, Ségolène Cavelot applied to take part in March 2020 in the artist residency organized by the association "Le Manguier". Her work was noticed and selected among dozens of other files, in particular thanks to the ecological values that she defended. Her dream has thus come true !
The purpose of this expedition? Set off to discover a nature and a population that are directly affected by climate change and bring back to France enough to raise public awareness on the subject.
"From wonder comes respect"
A loyal customer of Dalmard Marine, Ségolène took clothes and accessories with her her to keep her warm on this adventure.
Currently in Akunnaaq, in the southwest of Greenland, Ségolène is working on the following theme: "from wonder is born respect". She takes photos, collects materials, feeds a travel diary ... everything that will allow her on her return to encourage adults and children to protect our planet.
Sharing her taste for adventure and her sensitivity to respect for the environment, we follow Ségolène's expedition with great interest on her social networks : Facebook and Instagram.